3 Fallacies Surrounding Counseling

There is a stigma surrounding mental health problems and seeking aid for it. In spite of growing awareness about mental illnesses like depression, individuals remain reluctant to get help because of the disfavorable opinions many bear.

Mental illness affects a large portion of the population. The myths abounding about it prevent many of this vulnerable section of the nation from receiving counseling and psychotherapy Marietta GA, treatment and need to be dispelled.

  1. Only the Weak Need Help

The idea that emotional or troubled people are simply weak is one that goes far back in history. It also happens to be blatantly false. It is natural to experience strong emotions and even the strongest, bravest individuals, such as soldiers, can suffer intense psychological trauma due to events out of their control and require aid to deal with it. Mental suffering is not always something people can get through by “sucking it up.” Many individuals owe their mental illness to genetics or chemical differences within their bodies as well, something unaffected by so-called “weakness” or “strength.”

  1. Only Attention-Seekers Acknowledge Their Issues

Admitting you need help is not attention-seeking! It is being responsible and taking action to improve your future. Furthermore, seeking counseling may benefit not just you, but your loved ones, who may be suffering seeing your pain and wanting to help you but not knowing how.

  1. Only Crazy People Need Therapy

Mental illness is not equivalent to insanity. This is a fact. While certain conditions may be, many have no connection at all with “craziness” as defined by society. General anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, depression and other illnesses are sicknesses just like diabetes or arthritis.

There is no shame in illness or in seeking treatment for it. Falsehoods may say there is, but they are exactly that, falsehoods, and no credence should be given to them.

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