The Best Routines To Improve Your Flexibility

TAlmost everyone wants to be more flexible, from dancers and yoga enthusiasts to professional athletes. This is why many people keep looking for the perfect stretching routine to improve their flexibility. What they don’t know, however, is that a few stretches can easily be added to your daily routine that make a massive difference.

As a forethought, remember to warm up before trying any of these stretches; your muscles will be less vulnerable to wear and tear if they’re properly warmed up. Exercises such as push-ups and walking lunges for a few minutes each should be enough to get your blood pumping.

Scissor Hamstring Stretch

One of the easiest ones to pull off, this can be done anywhere with a flat surface. Stand with one foot roughly two feet in front of the other and bend forward. If possible, try to touch the floor or your toes. Hold the pose for 30 seconds before switching your forward leg and repeating.

Standing Quad Stretch

Similar to the Scissor Hamstring Stretch, this is a relatively easy stretch even though it requires a keen sense of balance. While standing on a flat surface, bend a knee and hold on to it with the arm on the same side. Push your foot forward while holding it in place. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch legs/arms.

Single-Arm Triceps Stretch

Standing straight, lift one arm up and fold at the elbow so that your palm is near the back of your head. Clasp your elbow with your opposing arm and pull on it gently until you start to feel it stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch arms.

Cow Face Pose

While this is technically a yoga pose, one of the few that’s also great for improving flexibility. Cow Face Pose is known for stretching out your shoulders and triceps. If you work at a computer all day or have a habit of slouching, it can also help improve your posture. You can either stand or sit with your back straight before extending an arm up and letting it bend at the elbow to fall over your shoulder.

Bend the opposite arm back behind you so that you can try to grab the tips of your other hand. Hold for between 15 and 30 seconds before switching the placement of your arms.

Knee To Chest

This is a stretch that will come to many people’s minds when they are thinking of improving their flexibility. Lying with you back on a flat floor, bend one knee as close as possible to your chest while holding on to your leg so that it’s as close as possible to your chest. Hold for 30 seconds before switching legs. This will help to loosen up your back as well as stretching your hamstring slightly.

Cobra Pose

A great way to stretch out your core is with Cobra Pose, another yoga staple. Begin by lying on your stomach on a flat floor with your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Stretch your arms backward while lifting your head and torso with your abdomen. You should pull further your arms and back until you feel your abdomen begin to stretch.

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